Radiology and imaging is a medical specialty that uses imaging to diagnose and treat diseases seen within the body. Radiologists use a variety of imaging techniques such as X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and Mammography to diagnose and/or treat diseases. Here in Capital hospital, we render radiology services that include
* The department is specialized in doing imager guided interventions like CT guided biopsy, ULTRASOUND guided aspirations, biopsy and conventional radiological procedures like RGU, MCUG, hysterosalpingogram, and IVP, etc.
WHAT are the image-guided procedures done?
The department of Radiology and imaging at capital hospitals offers a complete range of diagnostic and image-guided therapeutic services. A skilled team of specialists using state-of-the-art equipment provides safe and efficient imaging services with a human touch that is fully coordinated with highly professional medical care.
Infrastructure matters in the healthcare industry. In this regard, a lot of local entities are making it a point to upgrade their in-house healthcare facilities and create a value proposition for their trusting clients.